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Welcome back everyone, it is so good to see our kids and staff back in the classrooms after what has been a very different year.
We are all hopeful for a term without disruption, one filled with good health for all of us.
One of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community is to stay at home when we are unwell, even when we have the mildest of symptoms. 
Our office is fielding plenty of enquiries about children with colds and runny noses. Do the children have to stay home and should they be tested is the main question being asked? 

What you need to know


It is recommended that staff and students at all Primary schools complete a Rapid Antigen Test twice weekly. - These tests are distributed free of charge by the school.


If a student has a positive result for Covid19 parents must notify the school asap and the child must not attend school for 7 days. Parents are also asked to notify this positive result via the Government’s website Corona Virus Reporting Vic 


Where a student is a household contact of a positive case (that is, they have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation, or care facility) they must inform the school and isolate for seven days and not attend school during that period.


If a child has any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) outlined below, however mild, they should get tested and they must remain at home until they receive their results:
• fever
• chills or sweats
• cough
• sore throat
• shortness of breath
• runny nose
• loss of sense of smell or taste.
In certain circumstances headache, muscle soreness, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea may also be considered symptoms. 
For further advice:
• call the 24-hour coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline 1800 675 398
• call a general practitioner
• use the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) online self-assessment tool.
Visit: Where to get tested.

We thank all families for their co-operation as we safely navigate our way through term 4 2022!


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