At Sacred Heart School we firmly believe that both children and teachers do best in an environment where they feel respected, valued and safe. We take very seriously our commitment to the Pastoral Care of all members of our school community.
Bullying cannot be tolerated; it is a contradiction of the stated Vision and Mission of our school and has implications for our duty of care responsibilities towards all members of our community.
'We respect the dignity of all through acceptance, openness and trust' - Sacred Heart School Vision Statement (2010)
The care of the children in our community is vitally important to our staff, but it is a responsibility that we share with every child in our school as well. The operation of our school is conducted within the parameters and guidelines of our Pastoral Care Policy. This policy incorporates an Anti-Bullying Policy and a School Discipline Plan. Upon enrolment at our school all children AND PARENTS are expected to commit themselves to these plans and policies and support the school through this commitment. Our Anti-Bullying Policy must be signed by every student. This statement is then prominently displayed in every classroom.
Our expectations regarding this commitment naturally increase with the different grade levels in our school. While signing a commitment might be a bit much to expect of our prep students, they will be introduced to its principles and ideals right from the beginning of their time with us and increasingly be expected to be accountable for their behaviour and treatment of others. This commitment is renewed every year.
Our school also has in place a program that teaches positive social and communication skills aimed at preventing problems in the classroom and schoolyard. Our fundamental aim is to allow children to grow in their sense of self-discipline and in their ability to resolve problems independently. To this end the children are reminded of our three school rules: Respect yourself, Respect others and Respect our school.
Being a Catholic School, the person of Jesus Christ is used as our model for how we should treat others. Jesus left his followers the Commandment, “As I have loved you, so must you love one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.” (John 13:34-35). Thus, the children at our school are constantly reminded to treat others as they like to be treated themselves, to show themselves to be followers of Christ through their actions.
All children new to our school, including Preps are assigned a “buddy”. In the case of Prep students the child’s buddy will be a senior student. It is the buddy’s responsibility to assist their new friend to settle quickly and confidently into their new environment. There are many positive outcomes of this program, especially an increased sense of responsibility and justice for our senior students.
CHAPLAIN and Child Safety Officer, Mrs. Julie Leonard has special responsibilities within the Welfare area and is funded by the Federal Government’s Chaplaincy Program. Julie has been trained in a number of welfare programs such as “Seasons”, a program that assists children in times of grief. Julie can work effectively with children and their families and is an important contact person within our school.