Parents should always feel welcome to contact the school about any questions or concerns that they might have. Many of these concerns are best dealt with through your child’s class teacher, in the first instance as they will often have the most up to date information and a particular insight into the workings and goings on in the classroom and the playground.
A telephone call before or after school might help to clarify matters or if needed the call might be used to arrange a face to face meeting.
Remember, it is important to discuss any small problems before they become large ones.
The weekly school newsletter will be emailed to families each Tuesdays and is also available through your PAM account under school links. This is a great way to stay up to date with what is happening at the school.
Whole school assemblies are conducted every second Friday from approximately 9:10. Our assemblies always begin with prayer and the Gospel. All parents and friends of the school are invited to attend these assemblies and this is another great way to stay informed about the priorities and plans at the school. Assembly is usually followed by a cuppa and some morning tea if you have the time. – A great way to catch up with other parents and build some new friendships.
Follow this link to login to your PAM account