Schools play an integral role in helping your child become the independent, resilient and well rounded individuals we need in our world. It is said that the ultimate aim of parenting and one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is independence.
It is certainly something that we see develop between the ages of 5 and 12, here at school and it will have already started to develop for your son or daughter. Beginning school is a significant step in this process. We are here to help this development! .
If you, as a parent, are anxious about your child starting school, your child will be too. They are all excellent at detecting anxiety. If you are worried then there must be something to worry about, right? To assist your child to make a successful and enjoyable transition into life at school try telling your child and yourself the following: “School is a fun and safe place where there are lots of exciting things to learn and lots of friends to make” (Repeat as necessary) – Remember we all went to school, your children can too! We want them to learn that we, as parents, have confidence in them.
All of us learn by making mistakes. Kids are no different. Our school endeavours to provide an environment where children can safely make mistakes and learn from them. These mistakes will be made in the academic, sporting, artistic, SOCIAL, and behavioural spheres. As the “Wise Elders” (Parents and Teachers) of our community we need to let our children make these mistakes and face the consequences of them so that they learn from them. Remember we are a safe environment where the safety and welfare of all students is our first priority.
We encourage all of our students to look after their own belongings from day one in Foundation. For example they can unpack their own school bag every morning and pack it again to go home. At home you might encourage them to put their own lunch in their school bag, and put their own shoes and socks on. Encourage them to make sure their reader folder is packed in their school bag and to carry their own bag into school.
Social Experiences Children find it easier to settle into school if they have had plenty of opportunities to mix with other adults and children, have had a wide range of stimulating experiences and have been talked with and talked to. School provides a stimulating environment where children learn to work, play and “get along” together. It is an environment where there will be expectations and consequences of their behaviour, just as this is true for all social situations.
Children will communicate, negotiate, compromise, share and have disagreements. Children who can share, take turns, wait and listen to others quickly form friendships and enjoy playtime. These skills, while reinforced at school, need to be taught at home.
Be Positive Children will encounter challenging and difficult situations at school. This is the point of school; to challenge, to extend and to take us out of our comfort zones in order that we LEARN. Our school is a safe place, the people who work here enjoy working with children and are trained to do so. We will always do our best to ensure the safety, well being and development of all of our students.
Punctuality and Practicalities Before they begin school ensure that your child has their stationary and the correct school uniform. And then for each day following, that they are prepared for the day with some fruit, a drink, a morning snack, their lunch and any homework or reader that has been set. Try to arrive at school in plenty of time after 8:30. The children enjoy playing with their friends once they have organised themselves for the day. Try to have a quick “Good bye”routine. Again this conveys to your child that they will be fine at school and that you have confidence in them.
Foundation teachers will visit kindergartens in Term 3 to meet the children who are to attend Sacred Heart. On orientation day (always the second Tuesday in December) all children attend school for one and a half hours between 11.30 am and 1 pm. Foundation children will meet their “Buddies” on this day. The “Buddy” is a student who will be in Grade 6 while your child is in Foundation. The Buddy will be paired with your child for the year.
This buddy program has been very successful in terms of assisting with the Foundation child’s transition into our community. It gives them an older friend who they may see and call on if need be in the playground particularly and also someone who they will meet in their classroom from time to time. Class groupings are decided following orientation. These groupings are based on information from parents and kindergarten teachers and our own observations. They are made with the best interests of all students and teachers and to ensure a balance of genders.
Parents are invited to attend a Parent Teacher meeting with their child’s teacher for the coming year. This is the ideal opportunity to raise any concerns you may have and to highlight any serious health issues that your child may suffer from. A Medical Alert form should be completed and given to the teacher at this meeting for conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylactic reactions to allergies etc.

The following procedure shall apply where enrolment is sought for the following academic year.
In the majority of cases this will be for Foundation level.
Enrolment application forms and the Parent Information Book are available throughout the year by contacting the school office.
An introductory letter is made available through the four kindergartens during second term.
Applications for enrolment are called for at this time. This may be done through the newsletter, local media and through directly contacting families who have siblings already at the school.
The Principal will conduct personal interviews and tours of the school at the convenience of both parties, should these be requested.
As applications may exceed the number of vacancies, we would ask that enrolment applications be submitted by June 14th.
Completed application forms should be accompanied by: Baptism, Immunisation and Birth Certificates, (n.b. if your child has not been Baptised but one or both parents have been, a copy of the parent's Baptism certificate will be required.)
Enrolment applications will be assessed according to the criteria as set out in the Enrolment Policy.
Once a decision has been reached regarding acceptance of an enrolment application, a letter of offer will be emailed to parents. To accept this offer we ask that parents advise by return email.