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aSchool Council

school council

Our school has a body of people who accept the responsibility of helping our school maintain high standards, both spiritually and scholastically. This body is called the School Council and consists of six elected people, plus representatives from the staff, Parents and Friends Association, plus the Principal and Parish Priest.


Elected members come to the Board after being nominated by people in the school community. Once elected, they serve a two year term and are eligible for renomination for a further term, if they so wish. The Board meets at least once per term.


The main concerns of the Board are:

• Policy Making

• Finance

• Staffing

• Pastoral Care and Community

• Resourcing the School

The current Board members are:

Jack Lenaghan             Principal
Olivia Dooley              Chairperson
Sean McGuane           Deputy Chairperson
Jeremy Richardson        Secretary
Anna Melville              Parents & Friends
Jeremy Richardson        Staff Representative
Fr. Michael O’Toole      Parish Priest
Emmalie Cain              Business Manager
Lauren Welsh               Parent Representative
Hayley Foster               Parent Representative
Tanya Hickey               Parent Representative

Claire Foley                 Parent Representative


All Council members trust that you and your child/ren can find all that you need in our ‘school family’. We welcome you to Sacred Heart School.

Parents and Friends Association


The Parents and Friends Association is a sub group of our school council and is designed to co ordinate fun activies for our children to participate in.  At the beginning of the year notes are sent home seeking your assistance with the various projects we have planned. If you indicate that you are able to help with a project, a co-ordinator will contact you as this event approaches.


In 1986 a “Freezer Bank” was implemented. Parents supply a casserole or soup to a family in the school community who is experiencing difficulties eg. One parent is ill and there is no family to help, a death in the family.  


CANTEEN Students may order their lunch on Fridays by writing their order on a brown paper bag and enclosing the correct money (if possible) in an envelope or a plastic sandwich ziplock bag and placed in the brown paperbag. The bag and envelope are placed in the classroom basket provided by 9 am. The baskets are then collected and the orders placed. The orders are delivered to the school and a student from each class will then take the basket back to the classroom.


ICY POLES In terms 1 & 4 each year our senior students sell icy poles at the beginning of each lunch time. All monies raised go towards off setting the cost of their Grade 6 camps.



Annual Events


Photographs are taken each year, usually in first term. Children are photographed as a group, individually and in family groups if requested. All details are sent home prior to the day and parents decide what they wish to order.


The feast of the Sacred Heart falls in June and our school has a day of celebration. All children attend Mass and participate in fun activities for the rest of the day.


Early in the year a general meeting for all parents who wish to have their son/daughter involved in a sacrament will be scheduled. This meeting will be advertised in the Sunday Parish Newsletter and the weekly school newsletter.


Promotion of our school in the local community usually occurs in May. During this week we are involved in a liturgy and activities with the other catholic schools in our area. Families are invited to take advantage of the variety of opportunities to join us in celebration during this week.


Each year, on or around All Saints Day, our school holds a special Memorial Service to remember and celebrate the lives of community members who have died. As a community we feel strongly that we need to support each other through times of hardship and tragedy. This annual service is one practical way of us doing just this.


Around All Saints Day the students of our school organise a Fete to raise money for those less fortunate than themselves. Children need to bring some pocket money to school on this day and they may be required to help out by contributing food and or goods to their class efforts towards this cause.


Every year our school celebrates Children’s Book Week with a “Dress Up” parade and a variety of activites based around reading and the children’s books that have been shortlisted for awards.


Book Week 2023




Harmony Day is celebrated every year in March to correspond with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Children are encouraged to wear a "splash of orange". Our school usually holds our Opening Mass during this week and we endeavour to celebrate the different cultural groups in our community  through Food, Literature, Sports & games and through the Arts.


Yarralin Art
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